SJB believes that all students can succeed. However, we also recognize that SJB may not be the appropriate placement for all students. To that end, we have instituted the Guided Path to Success (GPS) program for struggling students. The goal of the GPS program is to use more of a hands-on approach to help students develop study skills and personal responsibility to meet the high academic standards at SJB.
The GPS contract is a formal agreement between the student, their family, and the school, and it allows the implementation of specific interventions. The interventions begin with a stakeholder meeting at the school that involves, at the minimum, the parents, the student, a representative of the administration, and the core subject teachers. The contract, made at this meeting, dictates a progression of steps and goals the student must achieve. The student will meet with the school counselor to monitor progress toward these goals, and follow-up stakeholder meetings will occur monthly.
Specific interventions are determined by stakeholders according to the current capabilities of SJB, but may include such measures as regular progress updates, after school tutoring, referral to the accommodations process, or planner checks by their teacher.
Follow-up stakeholder meetings will determine whether the student is progressing satisfactorily according to the current plan, whether the plan needs to be amended, or whether it has become clear that SJB does not possess the necessary resources to meet the student’s needs.
The GPS program is a consolidated effort by SJB to address the needs of struggling students before they fall too far behind. It is only possible due to our dedicated staff and commitment to growth and encouragement. Identification for the program is automatic when a 4th through 8th-grade student scores an F on their report card in two or more subjects, but a student may be referred to the program earlier by teachers, parents, or the counselor.